Subscription Management Portal

The Randcast Subscription Management Portal is an intuitive GUI to check important info, manage subscriptions and consumer contracts, and view historical randomness requests and events.

Randcast General Info

The top of the page displays the following information:

  • Adapter address: Your Consumer contract relies on the Adapter contract to request randomness from the ARPA BLS-TSS network. The address of the Adapter contract is needed during the deployment of the Consumer contract.

  • Minimal request confirmations: The minimum number of blocks to fulfill a request.

  • Max gas limit: The maximum gas limit for the callback of randomness requests.

My Subscriptions

Each subscription displays the following details:

  • ID: The unique subscription identifier.

  • Admin address: The admin address of the subscription.

  • Fulfillments: The number of successfully fulfilled randomness requests(including the execution of the callback function).

  • Consumers: The number of Consumer contracts under this subscription. Approved Consumer contracts can spend funds from this subscription to pay for randomness requests.

  • Balance: The ETH balance of the subscription.

  • Created/Canceled: The time of the creation/cancelation of this subscription.


The Actions drop-down contains the actions you can take for subscriptions you own:

  • Fund subscription: Deposit funds into your subscription from your connected wallet.

  • Cancel subscription: You must provide the account address upon cancelation to receive the remaining balance.

Note: You can fund subscriptions that you do not own. In that case, the Actions menu displays only the Fund subscription option. Make sure you are funding the intended subscription.


A list of Consumer contracts bound to a specific subscription.

  • Address: The address of the Consumer contract.

  • Added: The time when the Consumer contract was added to the subscription.

  • Last fulfillment: The last time a Randcast request was fulfilled for the Consumer.

  • Total spend: The total amount of ETH the Consumer contract has spent.

Note: Consumers can be added to or deleted from the existing subscription.


A list of Pending requests that are currently being processed.

  • Time: The time when the pending request was made.

  • Consumer: The address of the Consumer contract.

  • Request ID: The unique request identifier.

  • Transaction hash (Request): The transaction hash of the pending request.

  • Status: How long the request has been pending. Pending requests fail after 24 hours.

  • Callback gas limit: The maximum amount of gas you are willing to spend to execute the callback. (This is automatically calculated by Randcast before the first request if not manually specified.)

  • Callback max gas price: The maximum gas price you are willing to accept to execute the callback. (This is automatically calculated by Randcast before the first request if not manually specified.)

  • Estimated max payment: This is an approximate amount of ETH kept aside from the subscription, provided there is sufficient balance. This attempts to effectively complete the callback using the best effort, although success is not always guaranteed.

Note: When the provided gas limit is less than the actual gas needed for the callback, the ARPA network can still successfully fulfill the randomness request, but the callback will fail(revert).

If a pending request fails, it will show up under "Failed Requests":

There are some additional field in this view (Scroll right to see additional columns)

Transaction Hash (fulfillment): The transaction hash of the randomness fulfillment. This will only show when the request fails with the error: Callback gas limit set too low/Callback reverted

Status: The reason why the request failed. Requests fail for one of the following reasons:

  • Pending for over 24 hours

  • Callback gas limit set too low/Callback reverted

If the request fails because it has been pending for over 24 hours, you can manually cancel it here. Usually, this is because the callback max gas price for your request is set too low or there is a gas price surge on-chain.


Recent fulfillments

The Recent fulfillments tab shows the details of successful Randcast fulfillments.

  • Request Time: The time when the request was made.

  • Fulfillment Time: The time when the request was fulfilled.

  • Consumer: The address of the Consumer contract that made the request.

  • Request ID: The unique request identifier.

  • Transaction Hash (request): The transaction hash of the randomness request.

  • Transaction Hash (fulfillment): The transaction hash of the randomness fulfillment.

  • Payment: The total amount of ETH spent to fulfill the request.

  • Flat fee: Randcast service fee.

  • Balance: The ETH balance of the subscription after the request was fulfilled.


The Events tab displays events of the subscription. There are five types of events:

  1. Subscription created

  2. Subscription funded

  3. Consumer added

  4. Consumer removed

  5. Subscription canceled

Details of Events section:

  • Time: The time when the event happened.

  • Event: The type of the event.

  • Transaction Hash: The hash for the transaction emitting the event.

  • Consumer: The address of the Consumer contract. Only Consumer added and Consumer canceled events are shown.

  • Amount:

    • For Subscription funded events, this shows the ETH balance of the subscription.

    • For Subscription canceled events, this shows the withdrawn ETH amount of the subscription.

  • Balance: The ETH balance of the subscription after the event.

Failed requests

Last updated